I went to the doctor today for a leg injury. I hurt myself playing a Nintendo game. Yup! You read that right. I’m a 42-year-old woman who hurt the fuck out of her leg playing Nintendo. To be fair, the game is an exercise game. I was jogging in place when it happened. But regardless of how embarrassing the injury is, I went to the doctor because it’s been several days and it still hurts. He did some doctor stuff and said i had inflammation in a bunch of places and that the leg thing was probably a muscle spasm. He prescribed me some muscle relaxers and anti-inflammatories, and blah blah blah et cetera boring.
Before all that, though, as soon as he walked into the room, he said, “Because things are slow around here these days I had a chance to look at your chart, and I think I might be able to really help you with your mental health.”
I was like, “Oh, great.” Thinking, Oh god, I’ve heard that so many times.
So after the leg stuff he said, “Let me ask you some questions.”
“How many anti-depressants have you tried?” (“A million.”)
“Are you always moving your body, like tapping your feet, playing with your hands, fidgeting?”
“Do you do several things at once, but not get anything done?”