Last week I embarked on a true hero’s journey by watching all 23 Marvel movies in a matter of four days. That’s right. I sat on my ass and avoided almost all sunshine or interaction with other humans in order to complete this task. Hero!
Why did I do this? It started because of a trivia league, but became a deep and heartfelt commitment.
I decided these movies needed to have 1–3 haikus written about them.
Warning: There are spoilers in this beautiful and poignant poetry. And for clarification, I watched these in chronological order based on when they happened in the Marvel universe, so that’s the order in which they’re written.
Captain America
Little guy gets big
Kills red Skeletor, loves girl
They don’t get to dance?!
Captain Marvel
Strong as hell woman
Girl, Jude Law? Always evil
Don’t fight wars, END THEM
This one I have seen
Do I remember it? No.
Have to skip; No time!
(I went back and re-watched it because I felt that I needed the full experience, so: )